Cardano Blockchain
We chose the Cardano blockchain as the foundation for our architecture because we believe in their philosophy of ensuring the community's voice is heard. Cardano enables quick and cheap transactions, and experience is paramount for our users. Additionally, Cardano's scalability solutions were highly desired within our decision-making process.
Our cross-chain interoperability solution allows developers to convert smart contracts on other chains into Cardano smart contracts. This ensures projects easy project migration to the Cardano blockchain. This convenience enables Vent Finance to be the flagship platform for Cardano-related projects.
Smart Contracts
The Cardano blockchain deployment roadmap is divided into five parts.
The third one (The Goguen era) concludes the Alonzo Phase, which introduces the ability to build decentralized applications (dApps) using smart contracts. The Alonzo mainnet will be released in September 2021. The Cardano smart contracts will have their environment with a purpose-built smart contract development language called Plutus, based on Haskell's highly predictable, statically typed functional programming language.
Vent Finance will launch our initial Minimum Viable Product (MVP) on Polygon using Solidity to build smart contracts. Polygon addresses high gas fees and slow speeds without sacrificing security align with our vision. The transition of the smart contracts will be made as soon as the Alonzo Phase mainnet is released.
Last updated
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